Parent Groups

To meet the diverse needs of families seeking connection based on shared location or identity, FOCS offers two types of Parent Groups:

  • Location and Stage-Specific groups: These groups are tailored to the different life stages of the child or parent; examples include our Expecting Birthing Parents group and Newborn and Waddlers group.

  • Affinity groups: These are groups formed based on a common race, ethnic identity, or interest, such as Black Moms, Parents of Neurodivergent Children, Dads of Color, etc. Participation in affinity groups is limited to parents/caregivers with the same affinity identity, which ensures a sense of belonging and understanding among members.

FOCS peer-led parent groups are two-hour sessions held over eight to ten weeks. FOCS curriculum includes discussions on racism, identity, and tools to support parents and caregivers in raising strong and compassionate children of color. FOCS Parent Group Facilitators are parents with lived experience and training specific to the group. You can learn more about our FOCS Peer Group Facilitators HERE.

Peer-led Parent Groups for Families of Color

Parent Groups:
Schedule & Sign Up


Out of care and concern for FOCS families, our peer-group facilitators, staff, and our BIPOC communities, we ask that those who exhibit respiratory symptoms or are feeling ill please stay home and do not attend a group. Masks and Covid testing are available for families.


Parent Groups are currently free of charge to remove barriers for families to attend. We welcome any and all donations. Donations help support our work, pay our Parent Group Facilitators and Presenters, and allow us to continue to grow our programming!

Please use the registration form to sign up for any upcoming groups and/or to indicate your interest in future groups. We do our best to host groups based on community interest and our capacity. Group schedule depends on Parent Educator availability.

Having trouble viewing? Open the form in a new window.

For “Mixed-Race/Multiracial Families with Children 0-5 (In-Person & Online) “ & “Mixed-Race/Multiracial Families with Children 6-18 (In-Person & Online)” please See Bill of Rights for People of Mixed Heritage before registering.

Winter 2025

Indigenous Parents Group (In-Person)

For parents with children 0-5 years. This group is a facilitated gathering for Indigenous Parents (American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander) of all genders. Children are welcome to attend. Families are invited to bring food to share. The theme for March: Regalia Making

Wednesday, March 12, 5:30-7:30 pm, HIFS Offices, 3712 S. Ferdinand St, Seattle, WA 98118

Wednesday, March 26, 5:30-7:30 pm, PICA-WA Offices, 33710 9th Ave S Suite 1, Federal Way, WA 98003

Link to Register:

FAQ’s About Groups

  • FOCS defines a family of color as having at least one child of color in your family. Our parenting programs are for parents/caregivers of color and for families raising children of color. This also includes multiracial/mixed, transracial adoptive/foster families, etc.

  • FOCS Parent Groups are currently offered for free regardless of how many groups you join. So that we may continue to offer this service to the community, you can make a tax-free donation HERE

  • You can still use our registration form to indicate your interest in future groups! This gives us more information about what type of groups we should focus on providing in the upcoming months. Once a group is offered with confirmed dates, you will be the first to know and will be sent a link to register.

  • Families of Color Seattle includes families of all gender identities, expressions, and presentations.

    When you register for a group, we ask you for your gender identity (our internal experience and naming of our gender, which can correspond to or differ from the sex we were assigned at birth), so that we may better understand if our groups are welcoming to a diversity of gender identities.

    When you join a group, we introduce ourselves and include sharing our pronouns (whether you use specific pronouns, any pronouns, or none at all). We do this so that we do not assume each other’s correct pronouns, and allow people to self identify. Language is powerful, and people use pronouns as a form of affirming their identity and/or of safety. Lastly, we recognize that one gender identity does not directly translate to a specific set of pronouns. It is a privilege to go through life and have others make the correct assumption about your pronouns or gender.

    For more information on understanding gender, you can read this article on understanding gender, and learn about the gender wheel to talk with your children about gender.

  • Yes! FOCS offers over 14 types of parent groups with more to come as we develop curriculum for the diverse needs of our community. As a way to build community and support parents in all the intersections of our lives, we encourage families to join more than one group.

  • Most FOCS affinity parent groups (i.e. Black Moms, Queer & Trans Families of Color, Single Moms of Color, Working Moms of Color, Native Families) are specific to People of Color. We appreciate your support in honoring this essential community building and healing.

    White parents /guardians of children of color can join FOCS groups that are not specific to a BIPOC-only parent audience. Your experience authentically engaging in a FOCS parent group and curriculum will be rooted in an ethos of racial equity and community power. We ask participants to commit to our Undoing Racism & White Privilege Agreement (see below) in their group learning journey within a women of color-led space and organization. Our family gatherings and dialogues are spaces of liberation and power for our community whose lived experiences and intersectional identities are impacted by systemic oppression.

    Undoing Racism/White Privilege Agreement For Parent Group Participants: Our FOCS Parent Groups hold space for discussion on race, identity, community, and equity with a foundation of undoing systems of oppression. Our parent groups are not a way to check a diversity box or to debate racism. Racism and white privilege exist. The FOCS Community is a place where families of color come to feel safer. We center the narratives of parents of color and those most impacted by oppression. We believe in upholding our value of undoing racism. These are our experiences, and we are sharing the pain, trauma, and liberation of our experiences so we can equip ourselves with the tools to protect and inform our children of color.

  • Groups currently meet online and in-person at community sites and homes throughout the Seattle metro area.

  • We recognize that many of our families have working parents and are unable to attend groups during the weekday. Our Parent Group schedules are largely based on Parent Educators’ schedules and sign-ups. Please indicate in your Parent Group registration about your preferred availability, indicating availability to attend evenings or weekends.

  • Yes, regional groups for Newborns and Waddlers are available based on interest and capacity. If you don’t see the group you want scheduled, use our interest list to indicate your interest in regional parent groups.

  • We expect you to bring your babies to the Newborns group and the Waddlers group. We also encourage parents to have their children present in other groups to connect with other children of color.

  • Absolutely! Most of our groups center around the birthing parent and co-parent. Co-parenting isn’t defined by gender or sexuality. Affinity groups labeled for “families” accommodate two-parent participation (e.g. Native Families, Multicultural Families, Parents of Children with Disabilities, Couples group, QTFOCs).

  • You are welcome to join any/all groups.

  • We recommend that participants attend all sessions to build community, although we understand things come up based on scheduling. We recommend attending at least 6 sessions (missing no more than 2 sessions).

For all further questions and support, please email

“FOCS parent groups are special and essential because they provide a safe and loving space for parents and children of color to explore complex identities and histories. Families of color need and deserve a space to grieve, celebrate, and just be in a space that acknowledges their unique challenges and intersections.”

-FOCS Parent Group Participant

Parent Group Descriptions